Minister: Rev’d Richard A. J. Grocott BSc
Local Preacher: Garry Young
Garry Young regularly leads services in this and other Methodist churches in the area. He has been a local preacher since 1998, but this is not his job.
“I do it because I believe I have a very important role to play in proclaiming the Christian message of God’s love for all. In a practical sense, the Methodist church relies heavily on its local preachers as they lead about four out of every five church services. But their importance is much larger than this.
I believe that it is essential that ordinary men and women can stand up and talk about their faith and relate it to the world around them. A crucial aspect of this is that we come from all walks of life and often have very different perspectives.
My own background is that I am a Londoner and I work as a professional economist giving advice on setting interest rates. Other local preachers have different backgrounds and so are able to talk about their faith from different angles and apply it to different situations.
We are not saints, although we try to live good lives, and we are not experts on the Bible, although we are fairly well versed in it, but together we are able to present a faith that connects with the experiences of the people who come into the church.
Faith is mysterious. I believe, many don’t. Why is this?
I think it’s deliberate. God reveals just enough of himself that there is room for both faith and doubt. This gives us a choice of whether to follow him or not and it is in the following that we find him.
For all his words, John Wesley’s testimony to God is that he found his ‘heart strangely warmed’. I think I know what he means”.
Marion Thompson
Toddler and Messy Church Leader and Church member
Eltham Park Methodist has been my family’s Church since the 1920s.
To support the church’s aim of involving local community, particularly young families, in worship and activities at Eltham Park, I am a member of the teams who deliver Toddler Church and Messy Church.
I have a role in the Church’s responsibility for the Safeguarding of children and the vulnerable. I am also part of the Property team looking after the buildings.
My Christian faith is important to me and I try to demonstrate the meaning of my Christian faith in the way I live my life.
Megan Roberts
I am currently a church steward and Missions Secretary. I am involved in a number of voluntary projects in the local community, including those which work with people with learning difficulties and mental health issues, and a Trustee of the local Almshouses.
I have been part of the team organising our Church’s monthly Lunch Club for the last 25 years or so.